From 0 to 500: Celebrating a Milestone and a big thank you to our users

Join the celebration as Novobeing, the stress reduction and well-being app, reaches a significant milestone of 500 dedicated users. Discover how immersive experiences combining mindfulness meditation, breathwork, and VR technology elevate well-being and empower individuals to find calm amidst chaos. Download now and embark on a transformative journey of self-care and inner balance.

April 15, 2024

We are thrilled to celebrate a significant milestone in our journey as Novobeing has reached 500 downloads on the SideQuest Store within only two weeks.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every personwho has joined us on this transformative path. The tremendous positive feedback, suggestions and reviews have been incedible.

Over the past 7 months, our passionate team has given our all to crafting a unique app that can transorm people's wellbeing by combining the power of mindfulness meditation, breathwork, and VR technology. Our mission at Novobeing is to empower individuals to manage stress and feel their best through immersive well-being experiences, and reaching this milestone is a testament to the positive impact we are making one download at a time!

When our journey began in 2020, we focused on developing VR solutions to support cancer patients in reducing stress and enhancing their well-being in collaboration with leading researchers and hospitals. The success of our treatments in clinical trials inspired us to expand our reach and make these transformative experiences accessible to a broader audience, leading to the creation of our Quest application.

To all 500 users who have embraced Novobeing, we extend our heartfelt appreciation. Your trust and support have been instrumental in helping us get the app to the next level shaping some of the future features. Through Novobeing, you have embarked on a journey of self-care and inner balance, discovering new ways to find calm amidst chaos and achieve a state of relaxation. By immersing yourself in our multisensory meditation and breathwork experiences, you have embraced a practice that enhances traditional modalities with interactivity, engagement, and fun. The benefits extend beyond stress relief to encompass mental clarity, inner peace, and a deeper connection to your well-being.

As we celebrate this milestone, we invite you to join our growing community of wellness enthusiasts. Share your experiences, connect with fellow users, and participate in discussions to maximize the benefits of meditation within our supportive environment. Your feedback and insights are invaluable as we continue to refine and tailor the app to meet your evolving needs.

Here are some of the early reviews: 

“This is one of the best interactive meditations I’ve had in VR so far. It's a refreshing and fun experience: I especially love the Northern Lights and energy orbs. I like all the different experiences you can choose from and the breathing exercises actually make you so relaxed you can feel it afterwards.”


“This app is awesome! I love the environments and breathing techniques. Been trying a few of the other Meditation apps over the last few years and Novobeing is definitely onto something”


“I must say I really enjoyed this application, and it really helped de-stress me while writing exams. It is perfect for calming and self-reflection. This application would be ideal not only for after work/school to unwind, but also before bed. During a few of the practices I felt super calm I began to become tired and relaxed”


“So, I tried out Novobeing, and I am positively impressed! I really like the particles and overall graphics. The skyboxes are beautiful, when I breathe in and out, I enjoy seeing particles coming out of my mouth. The mini-games, like making your stars or painting, were nice additions. I would love to see more of these games!”


“I've tried other meditation and wellbeing apps on oculus, sidequest but this app blew my expectations. the graphics are solid, the meditation sessions are professional and it actually fully immerses you into the experience. I love the breathing particle bit, quite nicely done.” 


With each new user and review we get closer to empowering someone with amazing immersive tools to help them prioritize their well-being. If you haven't tried our application yet, download Novobeing here and experience the power of immersive well-being application firsthand.

We are here to support you every step of the way and are so excited for what is to come! 

The Novobeing team

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